The RTP® Network

Courses focused on the Clearing House’s RTP® Network. Basics, Risk, Rules, Regulations, Returns, Reconciliation, and more!


The FedNow® Network

Courses focused on the Federal Reserve Bank’s FedNow® Network. Courses focused on the FedNow basics, liquidity management, operating rules, risks, ISO 20022, and more!

FedNow® Classes

Regulations, Strategy, and More!

Courses covering Regulation E disputes, OFAC for instant payments, Faster Payments Strategy, and more!

Explore Classes

◦ The FedNow® Network ◦

Online courses dedicated to mastering the FedNow® Network

Getting to know the FedNow® Operating Rules

Perfect for those preparing to go live on the FedNow®service and needing a deeper understanding of the FedNow® service operating procedures. 


The Basics of the FedNow®Service 

Perfect for any new to payments or new to the FedNow® service and looking to understand the basics of FedNow®. This is the perfect place to start


FedNow® Know Now!

Ready to expand your understanding of FedNow®? After this course, when your boss, your board, your coworkers, or anyone asks, "What is FedNow®?" you will know the answer to that and many other questions. This is the perfect high-level introductory course to FedNow® for everyone.


The FedNow® Certificate Series

The Payments Professor's FedNow® Certificate series 

Ready to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of FedNow®? With the FedNow® Certificate from the Payments Professor, learn what you need to know about FedNow® to help understand the many different aspects of faster payments.

This Payments Professor certificate is broken into eight classes, and each class concludes with a quiz to test your knowledge of the material learned and to help you progress toward obtaining your FedNow® Certificate. Classes are approximately one hour long and delivered in the Professor's engaging, enhanced webinar style incorporating video and slides.

FedNow® Certificate contents

  • 8 Hours of instruction
  • Classes include:
  • FedNow® Basics
  • Faster Payments Basics
  • Liquidity Management
  • FedNow® Reconciliation
  • Returns
  • ISO 20022 messaging
  • FedNow®vs. RTP® vs. Same Day ACH
  • And more!
  • PDF version of the classes
  • 80-Question Quiz (10 questions per class)
  • Certificate of Completion

FedNow® Liquidity Management Transfers

Join the Payments Professor to expand your knowledge of how liquidity management transfers work, what controls are in place, what the Fed expects, what reports will help, and more!


       FedNow® ISO® 20022 Basics 

Are you ready to master the complex world of FedNow® and ISO® 20022 messaging? Our 14-part video course, FedNowSM ISO® 20022 Messaging Basics, is the ultimate guide to gaining a basic understanding ISO® 20022 messaging and how it applies to FedNow®.

Enroll Now

◦ The RTP® Network ◦

Online courses dedicated to mastering the RTP® Network.

RTP® Basics:

Real-Time Education for RTP®    

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of the RTP® network? Our 28-part course has everything you need to know about RTP® to understand the network better.

Whether new to the RTP® network or looking to deepen your knowledge, our course 28 video, 4-part course has something for everyone. Enroll today and join the exciting world of RTP®!


 RTP® Risks, Rules, & Regulations

Are you ready to take your knowledge of RTP® to the next level? Our 22-video course, RTP® Risks, Rules, and Regulations, is your guide to understanding the rules and regulations of RTP® and how to manage risks and prevent fraud.

Whether you're new to RTP® or a seasoned professional, our course has something for everyone. Enroll today and join the ranks of RTP® Risks, Rules, and Regulations course experts who can aid in managing risks, preventing fraud, and understanding the rules and regulations of RTP®.

Enroll Now

The RTP® Certificate Series

The Payments Professor's RTP® Certificate series 

The RTP® Certificate course from the Payments Professor is your chance to prove your expertise in the RTP® Network!

Through eight engaging one-hour classes divided into three areas - RTP® Introduction, RTP® Intermediate, and RTP® Advanced- you'll understand the network's many aspects, including participants, payments flow, settlement, reconciliation, audits, returns, and more.

And that's not all! At the end of each class, you'll take a quiz to test your knowledge and move closer to earning your RTP® certificate. With this certification, you'll not only advance your career but also gain a competitive edge in the payments industry.

RTP® Certificate Series Contents:

  • 8 Class Videos - Topics include:
  • RTP® Basics
  • Risk, Rules, Regulations, Reconciliation
  • Request for Returns
  • Payments flow
  • Audit Requirements
  • And more!
  • 470 Minutes of instruction
  • 80-Question Quiz (10 questions per class)
  • PDF version of presentations
  • Certificate of completion

RTP® Request for Return of Funds: How to get your money back!

How can you get your money back from an irrevocable network that doesn't allow payment to be canceled once sent?  Join the Payments Professor and receive 12 classes over Two hours  One workbook And the information you need to become a success when working with Request for Return of Funds


RTP® Prefunding, Settlement, Reconciliation and Funds Availability

Are you ready to take your understanding of RTP® prefunding, settlement, reconciliation, and funds availability to the next level? Our 15-part video course, RTP® Prefunding, Settlement, Reconciliation, and Funds Availability, is the ultimate guide to understanding the complex world of RTP® payments.

Enroll Now

Regulations, Strategy, and More!

Courses dedicated to mastering the regulations surrounding payments, building a payments strategy, working with ACH and checks.

Creating a Faster Payment Strategy

14 Videos\Classes.

Workbook (50-page guide on completing a faster payment strategy).

125 minutes of instruction.

Are you ready to take your payment strategy to the next level? Our 14-part video course, “Building a Faster Payments Strategy”, is the ultimate guide to creating a successful faster payments strategy to help your organization stay ahead of the competition.

In this course, we'll introduce you to faster payments and how they can benefit your organization. You'll learn about the stages of adoption and how to map out a successful strategy.

Then we'll dive into the basics of building your faster payments strategy.

You'll learn about the importance of defining what a faster payment is and how to assess your current payment system to identify areas of improvement. 

The accompanying workbook will help you develop a successful strategy for faster payments with questions such as:

  • What are some common challenges organizations face when implementing a faster payments strategy?
  • How can I determine which faster payment options are best for my organization?
  • What are some best practices for ensuring the security and reliability of faster payments?

Next, we'll cover the different stages of adoption for faster payments. You'll learn about the benefits of each stage and how to move from one stage to the next.

We will also focus on mapping out a successful strategy for your organization. You'll learn about the key components of a successful strategy and how to implement them in your organization.

Whether new to faster payments or a seasoned professional, our course has something for everyone. Enroll today and join the elite ranks of payment experts who can confidently create a faster payment strategy that meets the needs of their organization.


Regulation E and Faster Payments (FedNow®, RTP®, & Zelle®)

Looking to understand the ins and outs of instant payments and Regulation E? Look no further than our 12-part video course! In this course, we'll cover everything you need to know about the intersection of FedNow®, RTP®, and Zelle® with Regulation E.


OFAC and Faster Payments         (FedNow® & RTP®)       

Are you looking to ensure your organization complies with OFAC regulations when using FedNow® and RTP®? Our 8-part video course, OFAC, and Faster Payments: FedNow® & RTP®, is the ultimate guide to understanding OFAC compliance in the context of instant payment systems.

Enroll Now

Payment Channels in the U.S.(FREE)

Introduction to Payment Channels is your guide to understanding the various payment channels available in the U.S. and how they work.

In part one of the course, we'll introduce you to the world of payments and provide an overview of the available payment channels. You'll learn about the importance of payment channels and how they impact the way financial institutions do business.

In the following few classes, we'll cover the four main payment channels in the U.S.: ACH, cards, cash, and checks. You'll learn about the pros and cons of each payment channel and how they are used in the U.S.

Then, we'll cover FedNow®, the Federal Reserve's real-time payment system. You'll learn about the features of FedNowSM and how it differs from other payment channels. But we were not done with instant payments as our next class dives into real-time payments, covering the Clearing House's RTP® system. You'll learn about the benefits of the RTP® network and how it is changing the way we make electronic payments.

Next, we'll cover wire transfers, which are commonly used for high-value transactions. You'll learn about the advantages and disadvantages of wire transfers and how they differ from other payment channels.

We'll also explore emerging and alternative payment channels, including mobile payments and cryptocurrencies. You'll learn about the latest trends in payments and how they are impacting the way we do business.

Finally, we'll conclude the course with a graduation ceremony. You'll walk away with a solid understanding of payment channels in the U.S. Whether you're new to payments or looking to deepen your understanding, our course has something for everyone. Enroll today and join the elite ranks of payment experts who can confidently navigate the various payment channels available in the U.S.

Enroll now

 IAT ACH Goes International

Are you looking to take your payments expertise to the international level? Our 10-part video course, IAT ACH Goes International, is your guide to understanding international ACH payments and how to comply with OFAC regulations.


 Introduction to Check Fraud: For Consumers and Businesses

Are you worried about check fraud and want to learn how to protect yourself and your organization? Our 14-part video course, “What is Check Fraud: An Introduction to Understanding and Preventing Check Fraud”, is your guide to understanding the different types of check fraud and how to prevent it.

Enroll Now

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You Just discovered the Payments Professors Suggestion Box Extravaganza! 

Hey Future Payment Pros! 

Ever found yourself deep in a digital currency convo, only to wish there was a course on that super-specific-and-oh-so-interesting topic you can't get enough of? Maybe you've been hunting for a tutorial on telepathic transaction techniques (okay, maybe not that) but can’t find the right fit.

Enter YOU! 

At PaymentsProfessor.com, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of all things electronic payments. But hey, even professors need a little schooling now and then!

If there's a payments-related topic, you're dying to learn more about, but it's as elusive as a unicorn's bank account, fret not! We've whipped up a spiffy form for all you knowledge-hungry folks.

Suggestion Box Extravaganza! 

Pop in your course ideas, wrap them up with your wildest electronic payment dreams, and hit that submit button! Who knows, your brilliant suggestion might be our next blockbuster course.

So why wait? Put on your thinking caps, channel that inner professor, and help us make PaymentsProfessor.com the Hogwarts of electronic payment education! 🪄

Together, we'll make sure no e-payment stone is left unturned! 

Ready, set, suggest away!  

Stay charged and keep those electrons flowing! Your trusty Payments Professor 

P.S. No magical powers are required to fill out the form, but bonus points if you own a wand.

Your suggestions are welcomed!

Please feel free to submit them below. 

I've experienced the same pain you're feeling.

Learning the technicalities, legalities, and ever-changing regulations of electronic payments can be overwhelming.

No one should have to feel lost and hopeless when it comes to learning about electronic payments. That is why I have dedicated decades to improving electronic payment education that is fun, entertaining, engaging, and, most of all, created to help you succeed!


â—¦ WORK WITH ME â—¦

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Looking to book the professor for your next conference, or for private lessons and consulting then start here: